Painting Again!

After almost two years of caring for my ailing parents in South Carolina, then moving them down to Georgia to live with us last year, I finally have made time and a space in my home to allow me to paint again! I am very excited to be able to do something creative again and to get back into contact with the great people who have supported my work as well as other artists I knew from the art festival days.

I am going to be contacting past collectors to offer a ‘deal’ on new commissions or purchase of future painting that I complete. Things are tough everywhere, I know, but hopefully some collectors will be able to budget a new painting at the special price and of course this will really help us out financially.

If you are new to my work, I have prints for sale at very affordable prices and could also try to find a budget for an original painting that you can live with if you were interested.

Either way, please give me a shout online or by phone if you have any questions.

I will post updates here on the blog part of the site as I start some new paintings.


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  1. Stephanie Flint says:

    So happy to see you are painting again. I have one of your paintings in my dining room. It makes me smile every time I walk past it. It reminds of the mountains & valley on the other side of Signal Mountain, TN.

  2. Marcia says:

    I love your work! It makes me want to give painting a try :)

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